There are certain areas where one has to stay in queue to get work done. For example - fee payments, admission form registration etc. ZeroQ is build with the idea to minimize/eliminate the need of staying in queue. Currently it provides solutions for
Online Fee Payments
- Integrates with third party Payment Gateways.
- Supports dynamic fee heads and collection configurations.
- Synchronizes with In-premise software to support offline payments
- Easy and mobile friendly user interface
- Email and SMS notifications
- Provides all required reports and statistical analysis
Online Admission Registration
- Process lifecycle for new admission as well as re-admissions
- Synchronizes with In-premise software to support offline registrations
- Form creator to create admission form dynamically in sections and fields of different types
- Email and SMS notifications
- Features to handle admission process across different phases
- Mobile number (OTP based) validation to avoid fake registrations
- Support for photo, file attachments
Online Feedback Submission
- Design feedback form as per the requirement
- Easy and mobile friendly user interface
- Mobile number (OTP based) validation to avoid fake submissions
- Synchronizes with In-premise software to support offline submission
- Provides methods so that user can get better insights as per their need