A modular software solution that covers all requirements for conducting MCQ test effectively.
Question Paper Generator
- Prepare question papers from WORD document containing questions. Maintains original question formatting to print equations/images properly.
- Produces multiple sets with questions and answers jumbled with flexibility to jumble selectively as per user’s instructions.
- Supports multiple sections, comprehension and fill in the blank type questions.
- Supports parallel, linear and sequential answer option layouts.
- Options to set different marks/negative marks per question/section.
OMR Answer Sheet Designer & Checker
- Design your own OMR answer sheet. Print using any normal printer.
- Supports alert mode to give user an opportunity to correct errors on the spot.
- Any ADF scanner can be used for OMR sheet scanning.
- High speed 100% accurate reading of tilted, rotated, skewed sheet.
OMR Analyzer
- Supports different marking schemes per question and utility to change answer before generating report.
- Various informative reports helpful to give insights at student level, teacher level and principal level.
- Data export to EXCEL.