An online platform to conduct any type of test. It is designed to be useful for educational institutes as well as any professional organization interested in enhancing their employees’ skills using continuous evaluation. The product is comprised of mainly three modules as given below.
Question Bank
- Various tagging mechanisms to categorise questions
- Question/answer editor supports all type of content and formatting including mathematical formulas and photos
- Customized question level and marking schemes
Question Paper Generator
- Blue print creation using basic and advance mode
- Allows generating question papers for CBT(Computer Based Test) as well as PBT(Paper Based Test)
- Advance algorithm flashes warnings/flaws so that question paper quality can be improved
- Question / answers can be imported from EXCEL
Computer Based Test Portal
- Supports MCQ and numeric answer type questions
- Give access to candidate either using preset logins OR ask them to register using one time code
- Candidates will be able to see question paper on pre-defined time even if they login in to the portal earlier. Similarly, candidates won’t be able to submit answer once pre-defined exam end time is reached.
- Candidates will get the result as soon as the exam finishes.
- User friendly interfaces designed for desktop as well as mobile screens
- Various reports and result insights are available for examiner.